Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Occupy Wall Street will Build Up Corporate America!

The Occupy Wall Street group has now been at it for about a month. While no one can really tell what is motivating each individual, the general sense is that they are anti-corporatism. Some are anti-capitalism, but I think that is the fringe of the movement.

I get that. I'm not big on the control that corporate America has either. While I shop at Wal-Mart from time to time I'd much rather visit a small retail shop or even small online business. The difference is I think the ay to make the changes is by the people making the decisions and not the government. It makes perfect sense for the CEO of Goldman Sachs to make $16,000/hr while a minimum wage worker makes $16,000/yr because the CEO of Goldman Sachs creates much more value and has infinitely more responsibility than a minimum wage employee.

Ultimately though I think Occupy Wall Street will only help build up Corporatism if they are successful. The reason is the only way they seem to be promoting their agenda is through government intervention. Parties that believe government is the way to make change are staunchly supporting these people (i.e. Labor Unions, Nazi Party, Obama, Pelosi, Michael Moore, The Socialist Party, and the Communist Party).

So if this is what the people believe will bring about their “utopia” then they will vote and encourage others to vote for democrats and other leftist parties. This will ultimately do the the opposite of what they desire.

Democrats have bailed out Wall Street and corporations time after time when they are in power because they believe they are too big to fail.

Also, they have imposed regulation upon regulation on businesses. While many may think this will hurt large companies it does the complete opposite. Large corporations quickly become the only ones with the resources to follow these regulations leading them to consolidate even more power. Or like in the case of Obamacare they are able to buy off people and opt out of these profit crushing regulations while it continues to keep small businesses from hiring employees because of the additional costs.

This vicious cycle that the left has people believing about being “for the little guy” is what has built up corporate America in the first place.

So if not government then what is the solution to helping end corporate influence?

Here are several ideas that should be considered:

1) Remember that where you spend money is where you vote. Many times large companies are the only option, but when possible try to support the small family business. Things like fresh eggs, crafts, vegetables, and other items can be found at the local farmer's market and many more items can be purchased from small online businesses all at reasonable prices. Locally owned restaurants (including local franchises) and service companies are great places to support as well.
2) Thank business owners when you visit their shop or use their service. Most have taken great risk to build up something they believe will meet your needs and desires.
3) Vote for deregulation and politicians that will deregulate whenever possible. When these barriers are removed many small business will finally be able to compete.
4) Encourage your friends and family that have been out of work for a while to start a small business of their own. Many great companies today were created in dire economic times and there are many businesses that can be started with very little money, especially service businesses (I recently read about professional pooper-scoopers that make 6 figures cleaning peoples yards).
5) Consider starting your own business on the side. Build something as a family that can help you and your community. It is a great way to train up your children for the future and it can be something to fall back on should you lose your job.

There are other ways to hinder the influence of corporations, but these are a few ways to get started that will not only limit their influence, but will also support innovation and the local economy.

If you truly ant to make a difference in your community and your country then don't fool yourself into thinking it is as simple as voting for the government to do it or that holding a sign and being angry will change things. Whether you're party of the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street you have to realize that true revolution comes from hard work. You must create something and not just wish to destroy something.

It is time to make changes in this country. It is time to stand up and let your voice be heard. So get out there and start building up your family and your neighbor. Create something that coming generations can inherit and be proud of. Remember that liberty isn't a promise of prosperity, but it is the opportunity that the bum on the street can lift himself up with the help and love of those around him and become the leader of a family, a community, and even a nation. That is a thought worth occupying.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lessons from a Cancer Scare

Two weeks ago I finally went to see an ENT (Ear, Nose, & Throat Doctor) about a growth I've had on my neck for about eight months.

I had been to another family practice doctor several months back and been told that it was probably a thyroid issue because my blood tests came back that I had a VERY under-active thyroid. I thought was either something that would either go away or that I would need medicine for that I simply couldn't afford. While I noticed it and was slightly concerned about it on a daily basis I wasn't concerned enough to really seek out assistance. It is kinda like the story of the dog on the porch that howled in pain because he was laying on a nail, but it didn't hurt enough to actually move.

Well I finally decided to go to the doctor since I had some minor insurance (really terrible, but better than nothing) begin. The ENT was quickly able to see me the next day and I was happy and anxious to finally get down to the bottom of the growth.

The doctor quickly made an initial assessment that I might have an enlarged salvatory gland or a stone, but after telling him the length of time I had it he changed his opinion.

After another brief examination of it and some questions he stated that “options 1,2,3, & 4” were that it as Hodgkin's lymphoma aka cancer.

I'm not really certain how I reacted at the time. I think I made a joke about chemo being a great weight loss drug, but I do remember a slight breakdown on the road home.

Since my insurance is so bad he referred me to a financial assistance clinic and I made an appointment for two weeks later.

I let everyone know about the news and was grateful for the sympathy and prayers. My mother of course cried and freaked out as mothers do.

I think the most difficult part, besides the waiting, was having almost every person you met tell me how I could avoid or beat cancer. I love the heart to help, but while I know many alternatives are great ultimately I believe in trusting God to guide to doctors He would send so I would politely nod and gather information.

I briefly researched Hodgkin's and discovered that it was every curable with an extremely high survival rate. I was honestly more concerned about the cost and the chemo and radiation than the actual cancer.

After two grueling weeks of waiting I finally had my appointment yesterday with the ENT clinic to which I was referred. I was immensely thankful that my brother in Christ, Matt Walton, was kind enough to drive me and stay with me. I hate waiting rooms. You're called a patient in a hospital for a reason because beyond any other test they'll have for you, the one you can count on is testing your patience.

Eventually the doctor saw me and gave me an examination. The first test she did was to stick a very long light and camera down my nasal cavity. She relax my throat, but what an extremely odd sensation. It made me think of the Magic School Bus for some reason.

The results were clear. I asked if I could keep the deep voice so I wouldn't be called ma'am at the drive thru but it wore off. The bitter taste stay for quite a while.
Then she ordered a FNA (fine needle biopsy) and I waited on them for about thirty minutes. I don't know why, but the idea of a FNA biopsy team made me think of ghostbusters and strangely enough four of them showed up to stick needles in my face. They gathered cell sample to test the growth. I don't know if this is what acupuncture is like, but if so I think I'll pass. After the fourth needle I was starting to feel like Hellraiser.

While waiting on the preliminary results I had to go have a blood sample drawn and schedule a CT scan that I'll have next week.

When I made it back to the clinic from the blood lab they had the preliminary results from the biopsy...

It isn't cancer!

According to the results and symptoms they believe it is just a benign tumor that can easily be removed through surgery. I was and am ecstatic! I still have a couple more tests, but great relief washed over me with that news.

After leaving the clinic I started making the calls to let everyone know the results. What great fun it was to deliver that news! My mom of course cried again, but this time it was with great joy, my dad gave me a hard time for scaring him, and many others cheered with praise to God.

So while I must still wait to have it removed I went around yesterday with a great smile on face and so much joy. I even announced it several times as I wen to a few places which must have been odd for them, but I sure was enjoying it.

I'm sure it is a rare thing for people to react to the news they have a tumor, but compared to what it could have been I welcome the tumor like an old friend (one I'll be happy to see leave of course).

I even went about singing “I have a tumor” at times throughout the afternoon.

I share this with you, not just to tell you of this great news, but to share with you a lesson I was reminded of through this experience: Always give the bad news first.

Learning I have a tumor is a great blessing because what I thought I had was so much worse. The same thing may be applied to sharing the gospel.

When we share the message of Christ the only way it can be great news is if they understand the bad news. Unlike the bad news of my cancer, the bad news of the gospel is completely true and that is that all of us are sinners and we are separated from a Holy God and are under His wrath.

We all deserve Hell. We all have lied, cheated, stolen, lusted, and committed a number of other sins against the law and character of our perfect and Holy God.

That is the bad news. It is absolutely true and unless you fully understand that you are a great offense to God then the good news is worthless.

But if you understand that you a sinner and deserve Hell then the news of the cross is eternally joyful. The only way that God sending Christ to be crucified and to take upon Himself the wrath we deserve is to understand your standing with God outside of Christ.
Christian, whatever you happens you must never share the love of God without properly explaining the holiness of God and His hatred of sin.

The gospel is meaningless unless God is holy and must punish sinners. The horror of Hell magnifies the beauty of Heaven.

Not only is important to understand for the one outside of Christ to know His glory, but also for the Christian to be reminded so they know the need to share the gospel.

If those outside of Christ were to simply die and end then missing the gospel is sad, but if we understand that they are headed for wrath and judgment then it will lead us on in proclaiming the gospel message.

Remember this as you face the bad news in your own life and how much sweeter the good news becomes.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Respectable or Respected: An exhortation for the testimony of the saints and the glory of God

Is the your local church respected or just respectable? Let me give you the distinction I'm making here.

For the church to be respected by the world it must be honest. It must be open that it is full of sinners and hypocrites that are there by the grace of God and not just because they're white suburbanites. The world may not like the church, but it should be able to look at and respect it.

For the church to simply be respectable it can continue to do what it is already doing. Folks should come in their nice clothes, sing a few slow hymns, smile and say hello, and then leave to take care of their lawns.

Unfortunately, I think we all have a tendency to lean toward being respectable rather than respected. It is just so much easier to look the part isn't it? What does it cost you? Maybe a couple hundred dollars for a nice suit.

But to truly be honest with the world about who you really are can cost you everything. To be open about your porn addiction (and not in just a “all guys struggle with lust” way), to be honest about your anger, or your pride, or your laziness, or gluttony, to be truly honest about real issues is hard. Sure everyone says they'll love you in the church if you're “confess your sins one to another,” but what they generally mean is only if you are a “sinner like me.” Sure I lie from time to time, get angry, but generally I'm a nice guy Christianity.

I call it lily white Christianity. Jesus called it “whitewashed tombs.” It is just so rare to hear true confession of sin. There are several reasons for this.

1) The fear of offense

One reason often given for a lack of honesty is a fear of offending others within the church. Usually this is the elderly or the children. What a horrific thought though that we are ultimately more concerned about keeping people “innocent” rather than righteous!

I know many parents worries about their kids hearing talk of sex, lust, suicide or any number of other issues when their peers are out having babies at 14 years old. Shelter your kids in the righteousness of Christ and not in the bliss of ignorance.

I remember when I openly admitted to the sin of homosexuality and several people asked me not to testify of God's deliverance in church because there were children present. I was one of those children years ago when I was molested and started having sexual experiences. Do you know how much I longed to hear someone else admit to such struggles of sin and pain?

Studies say one is four girls and one in eight boys are sexually assaulted. It is little different in the church. Should we really just stick our head in the sand and keep quiet or pretend that it should only be spoken of privately? No, we need the testimony of pain because only then can people really understand the testimony of deliverance in Christ!

Don't be afraid to offend. Be afraid of the pain of people who need to hear that there is hope beyond there sin.

2) We have special meetings for that!

This is related to the excuse that we don't want little ears to be exposed to certain things. Instead we just have men's meetings to talk about struggles with lust and women's meeting to talk about being overwhelmed and neither the tween shall meet.

I'm all for these special meetings and really love the men's meetings we often enjoy at my church. The challenge is this is not getting the message to those that need to hear it. The Christian brother or sister that is sin is not likely to attend such meetings and neither is the unbeliever who casual comes to a Sunday morning service, but they are the ones in real need of such testimonies of the grace of God!

It is in the raw honesty of sin and pain that we see the real glorious nature of work of forgiveness.

3) The world will hate it.

The world is going to always hate to the church, but when we start being real and open then we can actually be a witness.

What do they see when they the local body of believers? Do they see a group of sinners that are transformed to saints by the blood of Christ or just people that hide their faults as much as they hide behind the walls of the church building? Do the see broken people loving each other or pious rock throwers waiting for the next gay marriage protest?

If we want to affect the world then we need not be pretty or pious or look respectable. We need to be honest and broken and repentant.

We need to fall on our faces and cry out to a holy God. We need to truly “confess our sins one to another.”

We don't confess them as to say proudly “I was worse sinner than you were,” but to say “I was nothing but vile before Christ changed my heart. And even now as He works to make me like Himself I sin greatly and fight this flesh, but even in this in I m am His. Even though I lose small battles with my flesh day after day I know whose I am. I'm hear to tell you church, I'm hear to tell you world that Christ can save anybody He so chooses and I know this because He saved one as wicked as I.”

That is the testimony the world needs to hear. That is the testimony the Church needs to hear. Is it a testimony that you can give?

Have you rightly seen your sin and realized that you deserve God's wrath in Hell, and the the only hope you have is to repent and trust in Christ?

You nor are any better than the thief that was nailed next to Christ, and yet as he was welcomed into the Kingdom with his simple confession “Remember me when you enter your kingdom” and heard in response “Today you will be with me in Paradise” so may we all be welcomed.

There is a fountain filled with blood
drawn from Immanuel's veins
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains

The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he
Wash all my sins away

Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power
Till all the ransomed church of God
Are saved, to sin no more

For since by faith I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply
Redeeming love has been my theme
and shall be till I die

When this poor lisping,
stammering tongue
Lies silent in the grave
Then in a nobler, sweeter song
I'll sing thy power to save

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rumors of God

I was a little disappointed when I received my latest book to review for Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze. I hadn't realized it was associated with Willow Creek. I'm not really against Willow Creek it is just that everything I've seen come out of there is seeker sensitive squishiness. So when I got “Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You've Only Heard About” by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson I wasn't really expecting much.

To top it off the back of the book has in all caps and bold letters, “Where is the life God promised us?” which of course leads me to expect prosperity gospel.

Well it actually turned out to be quite the opposite. Take, for example, this exert:

"Living in a consumer culture reverses the biblical vision: 'To live is gain and to die is Christ'. It is a quiet subversion of the meaning and purpose of our lives. Accumulate as much as you can. Build bigger barns, then take life easy - eat, drink, and be merry. After enjoying the benefits of indulgent living, when you die you go to be with Christ. The great tragedy of materialistic America is not financial abundance, but spiritual poverty."

I thought that was a great piece of wisdom.

There is a lot of wisdom in the book, but ultimately it is not very unique and unfortunately doesn't use Scripture to support it's arguments. David Platt's “Radical” was a better version of the same story.

Still if you really need the extra kick in the pants then pick up a copy.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Rest of Christ

At that time Jesus declared, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

(Mat 11:25-30)

This passage has always somewhat reminded me of the poem on the Statue of Liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

And that is what must of this nation is made up of, the refuse of the world, but yet they managed to create the freest and most prosperous nation the world has ever known.

Yet, while it may remind me of it it can little compare to what God has done in taking wretched sinners as part of His kingdom.

I'm sure you've heard before that the sermon that preaches best is that which preaches to the speaker. Well I don't know if that is the case but this has been the message God has been boring into me for the last two years. It's taken two years because I'm stubborn.

Tonight I want to speak to you about the rest of Christ. An aspect of our lives that can easily be overlooked if we are not reminded often.

Those of you that know me know that I'm a person that likes big ideas. I enjoy listening to pastors that have what might be considered a “radical” edge to them. Ideas like the fact the with millions of Christians in this country we shouldn't really have to worry about gay couples adopting because we've so freely welcomed orphans into our family. Or that widows can depend on the church for all their needs and not a welfare system. Or maybe the idea that it doesn't really matter how pathetic the Church of Christ may look at times that we can hope in the promise that even “gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”

Like every promise of God these are big ideas and unless we understand the words of Christ here in Matthew 11 we have no hope of not being overwhelmed by them.

As I said God has been teaching me this for the last two years because two years ago I was overwhelmed. Some of you may remember that I had really began to do a great deal of street evangelism then which is a wonderful ministry.

But it became my sin because even though I hold to this great reformed doctrine in theory, in practice I was acting as a humanist as though it depended on me. But not just me but all those around me and since I was going out alone so often I was becoming bitter to my brothers. It lead to many nights of weeping and blaming God for the lack of fruit. In my self righteousness I even managed to compare myself to the weeping prophet Jeremiah.

It all came to a head at some point and I had a spiritual breakdown, but then God in His mercy began to teach me what these verses meant and tonight I'd like to share that with you.

We'll be looking at three areas of the rest of Christ: who we rest in, what we rest from, and that which we rest for.

This first point I will make very quickly. The one we rest is Jesus the Christ. The one who is fully God and fully man. The only one who could ever be our eternal high priest and our perfect mediator. The one who died for our sin and the one who rose again to reign forevermore. The one only the Father truly knows and the one who can reveal the Father to us. The one who is was, is and evermore shall be. This is your Lord and your God who speaks these words.

I say that because before we go any further one point must be made clear. This is not just an emotional plea from a feeble prince. This is a direct command from the one whom all creation was created in, through, and for. He is the one says “Come to me and I will give you rest.”

Do not take the words of this King lightly. As much as it is a promise it may also be deemed a threat.

Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it. For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened. For we who have believed enter that rest, as he has said, "As I swore in my wrath, 'They shall not enter my rest,'" although his works were finished from the foundation of the world.

(Heb 4:1-3)

This is not a idle command. This is a command on which your very soul clings.”Come to me” is not a simple request that one should refuse it and go about their life, because not to “Come”means that you must continue to “Go” on that path which you are already on, a path that leads to destruction.

Hear this command!

Though yes, I do believe it is also an emotional statement. It is rather similar to Christ's statement in Matthew 23:37

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!

(Mat 23:37)

If we know anything about our God it is that He is holy and He is good. And part of that goodness is that he “desires that none should perish, but that all would reach repentance.”

So that when he gives such a command we can trust that He is truly sincere. He is not like a politician bragging and saying that if you just make Him Lord of your life all your problems will vanish. No, He is the creator and master of all things and thus He lovingly and firmly commands all to come to Him.

And there is your hope, both for us and all who would come.

Are you longing for your children to come to Christ? Are you praying for lost friend to be found by the Good Shepherd? Did you lose a child or suffer a miscarriage?

Then let this be the first place of your rest in Christ. Continue to pray, continue to grieve over their souls, but yet take immense comfort in knowing that you serve a God that longs and desires that they should be saved. And not only is He willing, but that He is able to save. If you ever doubt this simply remember that He saved one as guilty of breaking the Law as one's like you and me.

And in that we find our second point of rest, rest from the Law and the works of it.

When speaking of Israel in Romans 11:5-6 Paul states:

So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.”


Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith. For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

(Rom 3:27-28)

The Law was as a master under which we were all condemned, but yet in Christ we have a King where find rest in grace.

But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code.

(Rom 7:6)


But not only do we rest from the Law of the Old Covenant, but we also rest from the laws we have fashioned for ourselves.

Like the Pharisees we often “make void the Word of God” that we may keep out own tradition.

Friends do you realize there is always more to be done and always more that someone is going to think you should or should not be doing to live up to the right standard. By the way, the right standard is always their standard and not God's standard.

We could fill all our lives just with things scheduled within the church, and I would half bet that if you're not at one of those things someone is going to think you should be if you really want to be a better Christian.

Consider all the things we have that you may be a part of:

Spanish Service

Prayer time

Sunday School

Worship Service

1st Sunday Fellowship

Missions Meetings

Systematic Theology

Men in Ministry preaching (like this message)

Well that is just Sunday.

There is also:

Tuesday night C-Group

Wednesday night C-Group

Thursday night C-Group

Friday night C-Group

Saturday night prayer meeting

A host of other prayer meetings.

Men's Breakfast

Men in Ministry Meetings

Ladies Discipleship

Jail Ministry

Street Evangelism

Wedding Showers

Baby Shows (many, many baby showers)

Camping Trip

Bates Creek

Business Meetings

Other fellowships here and there

And for a baptist church relatively few committee meetings.

So how many of these do you need to make sure you're at to be considered a good Christian?

Not a single one. Yes, the Lord says not to forsake the gathering of the saints and I'm not going against that, but in general you are not in sin if you do not attend this or that meeting or gathering of the saints.

Many people have worn themselves out, myself being one of them, trying to be at the church every time the doors are open. Why? Because we thought we were in sin or we were worried people would think we were in sin if we did not show up.

That is a lie that will burden the soul and body if let unchecked. There will be times where you will meet with the body more than normal, but that does not mean you must.

There are so many areas where we will add to ourselves a burden that Christ removed. Whether it be am I good enough spouse, parent, employee, friend or any other thing let us not forget in our striving to improve that ultimately that all must come from God's work and not our own.


In a like manner in Christ we rest from our sin. In Him all is forgiven and our sins are forgotten.

As John the Baptist proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

"Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin."

(Rom 4:7-8)

Yes, dear saint when the king looks upon you He no longer sees a sinner on whom His wrath is upon, but a saint in which His Spirit is found.

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

(Isa 61:10)

How amazing is this God! The one who takes enemies and adopts them as sons sending His Spirit into us crying “Abba, Father”

We so often focus on our sin. And yes there is a place for that, but only as it points us to the one who redeems us from those sins.

We can think on who we were before Christ, we can think of who we are now in Christ, but let us not forget to think of who He is making us to be. A saint and a son saved by His magnificent grace.

And finally let us remember that not only has He given us rest from the Law, our works, and our sin, but that has given us rest from our shame!

Many of you know that I am a reformed homosexual. I like the word reformed because it partly describes what Christ did in me to give me a heart. Like all sexual sin with that comes a great deal of shame. For many years after coming to Christ and even at times of spiritual attack today I am overwhelmed by this great deal of guilt and shame. The same feelings I had before Christ because His law is written on all men's hearts. It was so overwhelming at times I remember picking up a knife and holding it to my wrist wondering why I should continue to live.

But in Christ oh the joy that floods my soul. In him am I delivered,, and in Him do I rest from that shame.

That is how good He is. That now only can He forgive my sin, but that He would take the shame.

Like a prisoner whose record is ex-sponged there is not even a trace of it.

We are like Israel coming out of slavery in Egypt. But our former masters were much more cruel than Pharoah could ever be. They work load was doubled, but yet ours would have never ended. They made bricks without straw, while we made eternal chains of sin.

But as Moses said to Pharaoh so God commanded our heart of stone. “Let my people Go.” And so out of bondage. We have come to Him in who we find rest. We have run from that City of Destruction and walk towards a Celestial City.

And like the Israelites who took with them the gold and riches of their former masters so we too may escaped with something infinitely greater, Christ Himself.

He who we rest in is also our great reward.

But we rest not just for the sake of resting. Rest is only useful we it leads us to the work we are meant to perform. When we are well rested we are only then truly fit to be ready for war, only then can we truly serve.

We are part of the body of Christ. All called to serve and work with one another.

If the feet are trying too busy doing the work of the ears then we will never move the Kingdom forward. If the teachers are too caught up in hospitality ministry then the Church will not be properly taught. Each part should work primarily on that which they are meant to do.

Of course at times you may be asked to work in other areas, but it should not be your normal function.

When we are well rested and have put off the other burdens which hold us down then we can do what God has called us to do.

Our text reads, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Yokes are meant for work. Yokes are wooden beams placed between two animals to hold them together so their work is increased.

We are yoked together with Christ Himself! Of course the yoke is easy! Imagine you a college freshman at Jeffco and through some strange program you end up teaming up with the best and brightest minds in their field who are much older with a great deal of wisdom.

While you may do some work it is these others who will complete the project.

Now consider that you are working together with the One who created the universe.

Who do you really think is going to be doing the work?

The point is that God Himself will complete the work that He has planned and all that you must do is be obedient and rest in that promise.

Whatever God wills He will bring to completion. He will finish what He started. And He will do it for your good and his glory.

If you are in Christ every sovereign decree from God will be for your good and His glory.

When you get a promotion at work it is for your good and His glory. When you lose your job it is for your good and His glory. When you are healthy and when you have cancer it is for your good and His glory. When you have a child or lose a child it is for your good and His glory.

Whatever the circumstance in life we rest in knowing that every promise of God will be completed.

And let that rest bolster us on. Let it send us to run until the race we have been given is finished.

Consider those who have already run before.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

(Heb 12:1-3)

In Him you rest and in Him you run.

Run. Run as you have never run before! Run to Christ! And as you think of that cloud of witnesses surrounding you. Think of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Think of Joseph and Job. Think of David and Daniel. Thank of John, Paul, and Peter.

Think of them standing there cheering you on as you run and proclaiming “His promises are true. His rest is eternal. I know because He brought even one like me a liar, an adulterer, a cheat, and He brought me to the end. And He will bring you there too.”

And as they cheer also look to the one in front of you. The one who is ever with you, and yet the one to whom you long to see. In the distance, at the finish their sits Christ. He is seated because His work is already completed. There He seats waiting. Waiting and commanding that you Come and rest!”

As I close let me offer a few suggestions that you may remember the rest Christ gives.

First, look to history. Both in and out of the Scriptures you will continually see God's gracious providence.

I understand many have been taught that history is just boring facts and figures, but when we view it correctly we will see it as a record of God using both triumph and tragedy to bring about His sovereign will.

Let me read you a quick passage of a historical figure who greatly understood God's sovereign rest.

It a brief letter from Stonewall Jackson after the death of his first wife at the time of their stillborn son.

I have been called to pass through the deep waters of affliction, but all has been satisfied. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord. It is his will that my Dearest wife and child should no longer abide with me, and as it is his holy will, I am perfectly reconciled to the sad bereavement, though I deeply mourn my loss.
Oh! The consolations of religion! I can willingly submit to anything if God strengthens me. I have joy in knowing that God withholds no good things from them that love and keep his commandments. And he will overrule this Sad, Sad bereavement for good.

That is just one example of many historical figures along with many event where you can more deeply understand rest in Christ.

Also you may look to who are in Christ. As I said earlier yes, you may look to your sin, but only as a springboard that it should point you to the cross where it is forgiven. Think on it that God has made you holy and righteous. That He has redeemed you and restored you. That you His adopted son, an heir of God and co-heir with Christ. That you are part of a holy priest in the Kingdom of God. Think on what He has made you.

And of course think on Christ. He has made a promise that will not be broken, a covenant that cannot be revoked. He sealed it in His own blood and will bring it to fruition.

Think on these and they will lead you to the never-ending rest of Christ.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Be The People

I just went over “Be The People: A Call to Reclaim America's Faith & Promise” by Carol M. Swain, PhD from Booksneeze to review.

When I first agreed to review this book I had a feeling it was going to be something very different. From the title I thought it would be about how we all need to be more involved in social justice, but thankful I was wrong. I'm a bit tired of being beat over the head with that stick.

Instead “Be The People” is actually about the great shift in our national identity and what we can do to bring it back. Not only does Swain identify the challenges, but she takes the reader back to the nations roots.

My favorite part of the book is the Family Matters section where she discuss the downfall of the family unit through divorce and the states removal of family authority. History is clear that as the family goes, so goes the nation.

Swain's book is a real treat and wonderful call to action. Make sure you pick up a copy today.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jehovah Jireh: My Great Provider

I just gotta tell you about this God I know. He is truly amazing. Not only is He able and willing to save the wicked of sinners like me who hated Him until He gave me a new heart and life in Christ, but He provides over and above anything we could ask, pray, or hope for from His hands.

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38

What I find truly amazing is even should we lack in giving He is still faithful in returning His kindness upon us.

I want to share a story with you that just happened to a dear brother in Christ.

On Friday this brother was headed down the interstate to go to the play and support a young lady from our church who was performing in a school musical. On the way he was in a bad car accident after hitting the median to avoid another car. His car was destroyed and by God's grace he walked away with minor injuries compared to what it could have been. He did need 14 staples in his head but was home that evening with little pain.

The first way God began to receive glory in this situation (besides keeping this brother relatively safe) was by the overwhelming peace this brother seemed to possess in the situation. With limited funds and collision only insurance most people would freak out and be greatly anxious over what would be next for them. While this brother may have had some such anxiety what shone forth greatly was a peace and trust in a sovereign God. Knowing that God could easily have prevented the accident, but yet choice to ordain it that in some way He would be glorified. That is not peace that comes from within oneself, bur from the Spirit of God dwelling in a repentant heart that trusts in Christ.

God was certain to prove that trust with evidence in multiple ways including the tremendous outpouring of love from His church into this brothers life. He was sharing that a great deal of families made sure to call or text and confirm that he was okay and some checked in multiple times. He so enthusiastically spoke of this encouragement that it was a wonderful reminder of the work of God in our church for surely we eclectic, strange, nerdy group of people would never be so supportive and loving in and of ourselves.

This is the beauty of the bride of Christ, the Church. We love, care, support, and when need be even rebuke one another as we grow in holiness and the likeness of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

There was yet one other way that God showed how great He is to His children. As this brother was sharing testimony of the outpouring of love God laid something truly exceptional on another member of the church's heart. God had worked in Him that this member would give one of his families cars to this brother.

Now that might be a nice story if this were coming from an older established family that had a nice career, but I think God wanted to show off a little bit more than that.

And when God wants to show off He doesn't take the usually take the billionaire and have him give away a couple grand. No, He takes the poor widow and blesses her to give her last few pennies.

This wasn't a widow though. This was a young couple with one child and a second on the way. Wealthy by no means and actually using a tax return to pay off the car they just gave away to this brother in need asking absolutely nothing in return. Simply seeing a member of the body of Christ in need and offering assistance.

Now those outside the Church will look at something like this and speak about how nice that couple was and how giving, but they'll miss the point entirely.

This couple isn't just nice and giving they are new creations in Christ with new hearts that love other Christians just as much if not more than themselves.

Some may mock such altruistic behavior, like Ayn Rand in Atlas shrugged, but the people of God know what a great blessing it is not only to the recipient, but for the giver as well.

That is what my God is like. He takes selfish human hearts and great them peace in dire circumstances. He pours out love through His children. He even takes a young family who many think should only be concerned with their own future and grants them a love so great they'll give away the car their just paying off.

Sure God could have just prevented an accident, but He chose to send one more reminder that He is all we need.

I pray you know my God. That you've trusted in Christ's finished work on the cross and repented of your sin. If you haven't then read His Word, The Bible. Start in the gospel of John. If you truly seek Him I know He will be found.